World Environment Day

World Environment Day

By Nepali Patro
June 2, 2023

World Environment Day is celebrated globally on June 5th every year to raise awareness and promote positive consciousness towards preserving and conserving the environment, which is increasingly threatened by various forms of pollution and degradation caused by human activities. The aim is to foster a harmonious relationship between mankind and nature, ensuring a healthier and sustainable planet for both.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), established under the United Nations in 1972, has been organizing the World Environment Day from June 5th to June 16th every year. This global event aims to address the existing environmental issues, challenges, and concerns on a natural and human scale to create awareness and initiate impactful campaigns and programs for the creation of a healthy and sustainable environment. The first World Environment Day was celebrated on June 5th, 1973, with the theme “Only One Earth, Don’t Waste It.”

World Environment Day is an annual global campaign celebrated worldwide, focusing on both direct and indirect environmental concerns and issues. It addresses problems such as air pollution, contaminated chemicals, food scarcity, deforestation, natural disasters, and the escalating global temperature. The event aims to raise awareness about these issues and challenges and implement necessary programs and plans to find solutions. It plays a crucial role in coordinating and facilitating the translation and implementation of these programs and plans or assisting in their execution.

World Environment Day plays a special role in creating awareness among people globally, diverse organizations, and various nations about the environmental issues and challenges observed from an environmental perspective. It highlights the necessary actions, campaigns, and initiatives required for their conservation and resolution. The day emphasizes the implementation of these initiatives, raising awareness, and promoting consciousness as a major role in addressing the identified environmental problems and challenges. Every year, World Environment Day is celebrated with a specific theme that aligns with the annual campaigns and initiatives to enhance the impact of the day. Since its inception in 1973, World Environment Day has consistently brought forth annual slogans and action plans that have been translated into practical activities and implementation. These annual campaigns and their corresponding plans have been formulated to ensure relevance and effectiveness in addressing the current environmental challenges up until the present time.

The main objectives of World Environment Day are to promote research and initiatives for the conservation of global environment, mitigate natural disasters, implement international plans and policies for environmental sustainability, and play a supportive role in their implementation. The day aims to foster global cooperation and engage in activities that contribute to environmental protection and promote a friendly environment on a worldwide scale.

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    very nice

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