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  • Sombare Aunsi

    Sombare Aunsi

    By Nepali Patro

    The day on which the Sombar (Monday) date coincides with the Amavasya (day of the new moon) is called ‘Somvati Amavasya’ or ‘Sombare Aunsi’. In the scriptures, Somavati Amavasya is considered as a special day for doing good deeds.

    अमावास्या तु सोमेन सप्तमी भानुना सह ।
    चतुर्थी भूमिपुत्रेण सोमपुत्रेण चाष्टमी ।।
    चतस्रस्तिथयस्त्वेताः सूर्यग्रहणसन्निभाः ।
    स्नानं दानं तथा श्राद्धं सर्वं तत्राक्षयं भवेत् ।।

    If the Sombar (Monday) falls on Aunsi, Aitabar Saptami (Sunday Saptami), Mangalbar Chauthi (Tuesday Chauthi), Budhabar Ashtami (Wednesday Ashtami) dates, those dates are considered to be fruitful and full of merits as equal to the days of eclipse. The baths, donations, and shraddhas performed on these dates are said to be very auspicious as they give inexhaustible fruits, so Sombare Aunsi is considered to be extremely auspicious.

    प्रातरुत्थाय व्रतिना स्नानं कार्यं जलाशये।
    स्नात्वा मौनेन कौशेयं परिधाय व्रती ततः।।

    It is mentioned in the scriptures that if one wakes up on Sombare Ausi (Monday) morning and takes a bath without speaking to anyone, one will get the same amount of merit as donating a thousand cows. Therefore, the sum of Amavasya (New Moon) and Sombare Ausi is considered to be more important than the sum of other important dates and tithis.

    Since Lord Bishnu comes and sits with Lakshmi at the base of the peepal tree (bodhi tree) on the day of Sombare Aunsi, Bishnu and Lakshmi should be worshiped at the base of the peepal tree on this day. Likewise, one should worship the bodhi tree and perform Dip Dan (donating of oil lamps) and give water (donate) at the roots of the peepal tree. After performing puja, lamp lighting, and water donation as mentioned above, one should circumambulate the peepal tree 108 times or 54 times or as much as it is possible, if not possible one should circumambulate 28 times or 10 times or four times at least. The Scriptures tell, that by doing so, all sins from birth to death will be eliminated and even planetary hurdles or obstacles, etc will be eliminated and happiness, peace, and prosperity will be achieved.

    When worshiping at the base of the peepal tree, one should first take the resolution as follows:–

    पूर्वसंकल्पसिद्धिरस्तु। …गोत्रोत्पन्न … शर्मा / वर्मा / गुप्त / देवी अहं अस्यां सोमवत्यमायां सकलपापक्षयपूर्वकं पुत्रपौत्राद्यभिवृध्यर्थं जन्मजन्मन्यवैधव्य–सन्तति–चिरजीविन–सौभाग्यप्राप्तिकामोऽहमश्वत्थमूले लक्ष्मीसहितविष्णुपूजां तदङ्गतया दीप–कलश–गणेशपूजनपूर्वकं विहितमश्वत्थपूजनञ्च करिष्ये।

    After this, Deep-Kalash-Ganesh should be worshiped methodically and Bishnu-Lakshmi should be worshiped at the base of the peepal tree with 16 acts of homage. After that, one should also worship and circumambulated the tree with special lamps donation. One should tie a colorful thread 108 times around the tree. After that, the karma or act of worship should be completed by performing Aarti and Puspanjali.

    ॐ मूलतो ब्रह्मरूपाय मध्यतो विष्णुरूपिणे।
    अग्रतः शिवरूपाय अश्वत्थाय नमो नमः।।

    After chanting this mantra, one should offer one fruit at one time and go around the peepal tree 108 times or as much as possible. In this way, there is a provision to observe Sombare Aunsi fasts for 12 years or if it is not possible at least to observe 12 Sombare Ausi and bring it to a conclusion. To Read this article in the Nepali Language please click here.

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    Tihar, Yama Panchak

    April 17, 2020
    By Nepali Patro



      Suresh 123



      mamata magar


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