International Anti-Corruption Day
International Anti-Corruption Day: Corruption is a very complex phenomenon that affects all countries over the globe socially, politically, and economically, undermining democratic institutions, and contributing to the instability of government by slowing economic development. Corruption creates negative energy in the minds and eyes of ordinary people as it undermines economic development and weakens the overall governance. An example of corruption can be understood as follows: when a service provider illegally extorts money unethically with a client seeking service even though the service seeker has already paid the necessary fee according to the type of service he or she is seeking in any government body or private office then it is known or termed as corruption. Corruption, whether it may be a small amount or a large amount of money, is punishable as it goes beyond the rules, regulations, and ethics of the state.
International Anti-Corruption which can also be called International Day Against Corruption is celebrated on December 9th every year to raise awareness against corruption around the world and to raise the voice against it. This day was recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005 as Anti-Corruption Day and has been celebrated internationally every year since then.
Corruption attacks the foundation of democratic institutions by distorting electoral processes, perverting the rule of law and order by creating bureaucratic quagmires whose only reason for existence is the solicitation of bribes. Economic development is stunted by corruption because foreign investment is discouraged and small businesses within the country often find it impossible to overcome the “start-up costs” required because of the corruption. It is a well-known fact that corruption is now a common problem all over the world. This is a great social challenge and it cannot be denied that its impact is having a negative influence on the economic, political, and ideological background of the society. In today’s material world, people tend to have the desire to possess more money than they need, the desire to make money, the desire to live a luxurious life, the lack of morality in human beings, the desire to become rich by adopting fast and short but illegal ways had paved the way to corruption taking root all over the world.
International Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated all over the world at the international level by focusing on raising awareness against corruption among the people who provide services in all fields as well as every service provider and the general public. If we can develop the consciousness to reduce corruption and provide the message that corruption is a punishable crime to everyone in general by cracking down on the corrupt, we definitely can reduce corruption and move towards radical development in the days to come. In Nepal, the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (Akhtiyar Durupayog Anusandhan Ayog) has also been empowered as a constitutional body to take action against any person from any governmental or private position of any institution or state for abusing their rights.
Governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, media, and even general citizens around the world are joining hands in the fight against corruption. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are at the forefront of these efforts to eradicate corruption.
We all need to learn to live a happy life without being overwhelmed by daydreams, big dreams, and excess money, and learn to earn the necessary money with as much honesty as possible from our hard work. It is not only the responsibility of every citizen but also our honest obligation to pay the property tax etc to the state government and also lobby for it. Achieving immeasurable wealth through corruption is a way of quick and short progress, but wealth gained in this way does not give mental as well as physical happiness. The wealth earned or looted in this way hurts not only oneself but also one’s family and children in the future because negativity attracts negativity. International Day Against Corruption
Yes, we pay the tax on the property we earn, and the people who we elect to the government, public servants, etc are paid by our tax earned from our hard work. But, when we need service from those people, and even if the service needed is very simple they try to make it complex for their interest, therefore, in this kind of situation we definitely think “Why do/did I pay the tax to the state?” and it produces frustration as well, plus it is also natural for a common civilian to be upset. When the guarantee of transparency and good governance is lacking, then the ground of faith in democracy also fades. If the people’s representatives we have sent after winning the elections are corrupt from extreme misuse of state funds and personal facilities, then the distrust and disgust of the general public towards the elections, the state, and the parliamentary system will certainly increase. Therefore, all citizens must be conscious and take action to eradicate corruption without giving or taking bribes.
One of the best measures of corruption around the world is the Corruption Perceptions Index, which is published by Transparency International. In this report, 180 countries were ranked and given a score out of 100 points based on their perceived levels of public sector corruption. The nations that scored the highest were deemed the least corrupt. The numbers in this article are from their 2020 rankings. At the top of the list are New Zealand and Denmark, which both received a score of 88 out of 100. Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, and Singapore followed with scores of 85.
Other nations that were ranked as the least corrupt countries are Norway, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Germany. These data are taken from
Initially launched in 1995, the CPI defines corruption as “the misuse of public power for private benefit.”
The 2020 CPI (Corruption Perceptions Index) released a report in January 2021. As per this report, 180 countries ranked on a scale from 0 to 100. The lower the score, the more corrupt a country is considered to be. The Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries in the World are as follows: Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Equatorial Guinea, Sudan, Libya, and Dem. Republic of Congo. Data is taken from
Article 218 of Part 21 of the Constitution of the Republic of Nepal 2072 has formed the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority and Article 239 clearly defines as well as provides the functions, duties plus powers of the Commission. According to the law, if a person holding a public office commits corruption and a complaint is lodged at the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, the person may or is investigated, and if found guilty, the Commission may conduct an investigation under the law, which is a good way to eradicate corruption.
Today’s need is for all of us to take the lead in the fight against corruption within the provisions mentioned in the law on the path of good governance by eradicating corruption. We all need to develop the habit of evaluating people based on their good qualities, ideas, ethics, and education and not based on an individual’s house, car, etc. If we all start to take part in the anti-corruption campaign today we certainly will succeed thus, let us all join hands to eradicate and take out the root of corruption by joining hands with all the anti-corruption activists, and organizations pledging to eradicate bribery, corruption to build a brighter future of our country for the future generation.
धर्मो रक्षति रक्षित|||
Nepali Patro Raising voice against corruption, we want to inspire the whole world to do good deeds by
urging to work against corruption, good governance should be implemented in Nepal and internationally.
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita |||
Acknowledgments: Prepared by borrowing facts and informations from various web magazines available
in the Internet. To Read this article in the Nepali Language please click here.
December 22, 2023 9 months
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