

By Nepali Patro
October 18, 2023

According to Hindu scriptures and the tradition followed by Hindu Nepalis, a custom is observed where the seventh day of the bright half of the lunar month of Ashwin is referred to as “Fulpati” in the vernacular. In some cases, it is also called “Mahasaptami.” On this day, all Nepali households bring in various components of the Dashain festival, such as flowers, to prepare for the Dashain puja. Apart from Dashami, the day of Mahasaptami, which is also known as Fulpati, holds special significance during the festival of Dashain.

On this day, in Kathmandu’s Tudikhel, a grand procession is organized where nine types of sacred plants, including banana, pomegranate, rice, barley, maize, manay, karchur, bel, ashok, and jayanti, are displayed. Each plant is placed with reverence, and the nine varieties are a representation of the nine goddesses. This event is a part of the Durga Puja celebrations. These nine plants are consecrated in honor of the nine different forms of the goddess, namely, Lakshmi, Durga, Chamunda, Kalika, Shiva, Shokharini, Bramhani, Raktachandika, and Kirtika Devi. They are invoked and worshipped with proper rituals in every household. In addition to this, the day of Fulpati is also marked by public processions and celebrations.

On this day, the Newar community in Kathmandu and many others also worship Lord Vishwakarma and Goddess Vidhyadevi in a traditional manner. They set up tools and equipment related to craftsmanship and education such as books, pens, ink, machines, and various agricultural tools like plows, sickles, etc. Additionally, farmers bring home the first yield from their fields and worship it as a symbol of prosperity. This tradition reflects the reverence for the deities associated with craftsmanship, education, and agriculture, emphasizing the importance of these aspects in people’s lives and culture during the Dashain festival.

The tradition of Fulpati being brought from the Gorkha Durbar to the Hanuman Dhoka Durbar in Kathmandu has been observed for a long time. This practice symbolizes the unity and reverence for the festival across various regions of Nepal. Starting from Fulpati, Dashain marks a period of vibrant celebrations and fairs throughout the country, with local fairs and markets in many towns and cities where people gather to enjoy the festive atmosphere. It’s a time for families and communities to come together, exchange blessings, and celebrate the essence of Dashain.


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    Raju thapa

    why do we celebrate fullpati

    Santosh Roniyar

    our nepal festival at dashain fulpati




    thank You

    Nirajan Shahi

    fulpati Shubhakama card

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