Civil Service Day

Civil Service Day

By Nepali Patro (Sudan Bhattarai Upadhyaya)
September 6, 2022

Civil Service Day. Bhadra 22, is the Civil Service Day. Civil Service Day is being celebrated today by organizing various programs across the country with the intention of commemorating the theme of the day (2078-82) “Professional and Creative Administration: Development, Prosperity, and Good Governance”.

In 2013 B.S. “Civil Service Day” was initiated by then Prime Minister Tanka Prasad Acharya introducing the Civil Service Act on this very day of 22nd Bhadra. Since 2060 B.S, Civil Service Day is being celebrated every year. Ministry of General Administration celebrates this day by organizing various programs to encourage and inspire civil servants, awarding outstanding civil servants, and also by honoring ex-servicemen who are already retired. 

There is a legal provision for providing awards every year on the occasion of Civil Service Day. One person is awarded “The Best Civil Service Award consisting of Rs. 2 lakh. Thirty personnel are awarded Rs.50,000 each and 10 personnel with  Rs. 1 lakh each. There are about 83 thousand civil servants in Nepal.

Formally established in 2013 B.S, the civil service has already reached 66 years passing through various stages. During this period, even after experiencing different governance systems in the country, which has reached its current strong state, Nepal’s Civil Service, however, has not been able to remain free from criticism. Due to its structural complexity and weaknesses in management, people have been complaining sometimes that it has not been able to be public-oriented.

In the same way, responsible political leadership, including the government, still has a tendency to blame the employees to hide their weaknesses. But despite all these controversies, there is no doubt that civil service is the main attraction for all of us and also the biggest employment center in the country.

On the occasion of Civil Service Day, Nepali Patro wishes all our readers and especially Civil Service workers a warm greeting.  To Read this article in the Nepali Language please click here.  



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