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  • Bheema Ekadashi

    Bheema Ekadashi

    By Nepali Patro

    The Ekadashi date of the Magh Shuklapakchya is called Jaya Ekadashi or Bheema Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is called Jaya Ekadashi in the book called Brataraj (King of fast).

    श्रीकृष्ण उवाच
    कथयिष्यामि राजेन्द्र शुक्ले माघस्य या भवेत्।
    जया नाम्नीति विख्याता सर्वपापहरा परा।।

    Bheema Ekadashi or Jaya Ekadashi fast event

    During the dialogue between Shri Krishna and Yudhishthira, Magh Shukla Ekadashi is called Jaya Ekadashi in the Bhavisya-Puran. Referring to the story of Pushpavati and Malyawan, Jaya Ekadashi has been taken as the Ekadashi that destroys all sins and provides salvation.

    One day Devaraj Indra was enjoying dancing in the paradise of Nandan Ban, with various apsaras. As many as 50 million celestial nymphs (Apsaras) were gathered to present the dance, and the same number of Gandharvas to give enjoyment through their singing abilities and arts. On the occasion of this presentation, the Malyawan Gandharva and Pushpavati Apsara (celestial nymph) came closer and they were fascinated with each other. They were so attracted to each other’s elegance that they could not pay attention to their presentation. Because of this, not only did Devaraj get enraged by their movements tactics and boring presentation, but he was infuriated and immediately cursed them – “go to Martyalok (earth) and become a vampire couple.”

    युवां पिशाचौ भवत दम्पतिरूपधारिणौ।
    मृत्युलोकमनुप्राप्तौ भुञ्जानौ कर्मणः फलम्।।

    With the effect of the curse, they immediately attained the vampire state, fell into the abyss and started living a harrowing life as a couple. Likewise, came the month of Magh. During the month of winter when it started raining too, their lives became more troublesome. With the rain and water, completely drenched and cold they could neither eat nor sleep.

    Incidentally, that day was the date of Ekadashi, i.e Jaya Ekadashi, of the Magh Shukla pakchya, and they spend their day in the rain, as though bathing in it, and without food, without sleep during day-night. Unknowingly, they went on to practice Ekadashi fasting practices such as bathing, fasting, eating nothing, and jagram (stay awake at night for religious purpose) all night. Unbeknownst to them, the effects of the Jaya Ekadashi fast were seen in Martyalok, as they were the Malyawan Gandharva and Pushpavati Apsara, as were before.

    After being released from the curse, a flying vessel arrived to take them back thus, they boarded it and returned to paradise again. Devaraj Indra, who was there, after hearing the whole story from their own mouths came to know about the importance of Jaya Ekadashi’s date. Devraj then suggested the importance of the Jaya Ekadashi date and recommended it Hari Bhakta, Shiva devotees and all the deities of heaven to take Ekadashi fast and also welcomed both to heaven giving them proper homage.

    हरिभक्तिरता ये च ये वा शिवभक्तिरतास्तथा।
    अस्माकमपित ते मर्त्याः पूज्या वन्द्या न संशयः।।

    Due to the influence of Ekadashi fast, very very ordinary people also can also enjoy happiness along with material happiness in this lifetime and could attain salvation in their afterlife after their demises, therefore, everyone is asked to fast in all Ekadashis. Since it is very virtuous, it is requested to take the vow of Ekadashi in Jaya i.e Bheema Ekadashi.

    यः करोति नरो भक्त्या श्रद्धायुक्तो जयाव्रतम्।
    कल्पकोटिशतं यावत् वैकुण्ठे मोदते ध्रुवम्।।

    Twenty-four elements also contain eleven senses too. In fact, the vow of Ekadashi is taken so that the eleven senses can be subdued and controlled. In the context of the Jaya Ekadashi fast, the effects of the guilt of the eye senses (Chachyu) led Malyawan Gandharva and Pushpavati Apsara the hard plight of the vampire life, more than the sufferings of the infidels. Therefore, if the senses, including the eyes, cannot be controlled, we too must go into a vampire-like state, so we must always try to control our senses.

    Scriptures mention that, since the Magh Shukla Ekadashi date of the month of Magh is very sacred, by fasting observed on this date one can obtain the fruit of entering Baikunthalok (Bishnu’s Heaven). Since all Ekadashi fast is a routine, all the 24 Ekadashi, vows throughout the year are considered to be virtuous and full of good welfare. The original statement of Jaya Ekadashi is that by observing all 24 Ekadashi fasting taking a vow, controlling and subduing 24 elements mentioned in the numerology (adherent to number and yoga), one can achieve Moksha (salvation) and Baikunthalok (Bishnus heaven). Through Ekadashi fast.  To Read this article in the Nepali Language please click here.

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      dipin Bagale

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